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Capitalize on the convenience of new technology
Help increase speed of pay and customer satisfaction with an integrated terminal. Allow your customers to pay using either the contactless feature on their Card or their NFC-enabled mobile phone.
Mobile NFC Payments
Near-Field Communication (NFC) utilizes the same tap-to-pay technology as contactless chips, but instead of using their Cards, individuals can load their payment information onto their NFC-enabled mobile phones.
In addition to the standard contactless features, mobile NFC helps to ensure a secure and protected shopping experience to gain consumer trust and confidence, enhance payment security at the point of sale, and enable consumer-preferred forms of payment such using a smart phone to make payments.
American Express® recommends using an integrated terminal that is both contactless and contact EMV-enabled.
  Help increase efficiency at the point of sale
  Pinpoint marketing opportunities near customers' current locations
  Help enrich customers' experiences by offering a speedy and secure new method of payment
  Allow customers to use their NFC-enabled smart phone just like a contactless card
Ready to accept mobile NFC payments?
Call your
American Express Representative now.
Switch to an integrated terminal that is both contactless and contact EMV-enabled and designed to accommodate for mobile NFC payment features.
How it works
Customers load their American Express Card information onto a secure NFC-enabled phone.
At checkout, customers tap or hold their NFC-enabled phone in close proximity to the contactless reader, which uses secure radio frequency technology to transfer transaction data.
The terminal sends data for authorization processing. If a customer wants a receipt, they can simply ask.
Have questions? Learn more about mobile near-field communication, or watch video